Winter Farmhouse

Winter Farmhouse

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Proms and Plays

This is a time of overlapping seasons.  We're finishing up with school for the summer, planning the next school year, beginning (with fear and trepidation) to write high school transcripts, thinking about college applications to be sent in this fall, rehearsing for plays, going to prom--that was unexpected-- mowing grass, playing baseball, finishing up the siding project on the back of the house, and only wishing to be in the garden, but somewhat consoled by the fact that even if I had the time to be out there, the rain prevents it. 

Since I homeschool my kids, I never thought I'd be confronted with prom details...but...Zac wrote the ACT in April, and met a girl who found all of the boys at her school tiresome, and Zac so easy to talk to that she talked him into going to the prom with her.  So here they are, all decked out for the evening!                                                                            

Zac was ready to throw in the towel on the whole proceeding when he learned that he had to dress up in a suit, but I think he cleaned up rather nicely!  Noelle looked perfectly sweet in this vintage dress she chose for the occasion. 

Meanwhile, we attended the play that Rachel has been rehearsing for and singing parts from for the past few months.  She is in the Gilbert and Sullivan play, the Gondoliers, with a high school group in Portland. She has enjoyed it very much, and even has a chorus solo in it. 

I've been surprised at how much Rachel has enjoyed this.  She's typically pretty quiet, and being on stage is a new experience for her, but one she looks forward to repeating next year.  The rehearsal schedule has been fairly grueling as it all takes place a 30 minute drive from home, but she's enjoyed it so much, and has such a giving nature herself, how could a parent refuse?  This is a dream child for me...she LOVES to do crafty things, which is SO not my thing, and so often does fun projects with her sisters and little brother, (things that I could only do with gritted teeth) that driving her to practice is a pretty small thing really.

She has two more performances, and almost as important, a cast party! 

                                            Break A Leg, Rachel!!  

1 comment:

  1. thank you mommy! :)
    hopefully I will look better in the pictures of the next performances. :/ haha
