Winter Farmhouse

Winter Farmhouse

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Photography Class

Recently, Rachel and I took a photography class together and ventured out beyond the Auto settings of our cameras for the first time.  The results were...varied, but it was a great class and we both learned a lot.  I thought I'd post a few of my efforts.  
See the energy and intensity of those eyes?  This child is very much his father's son!

Lydia--willing to model...

...if she got to make faces at the camera.

Moriah always has a smile, camera on or not!

I love this one of Rachel even though I messed up the light metering.  One of these days , when we get a  photo editing program, I'll try to fix the exposure.  Meanwhile, this will remind me not to make that mistake again!

We visited some old rock quarries this spring  to do some rock hounding.  This particular spot is just down the road from us, and was known for the aquamarine found here back-in-the-day.

A little bit of macro work while the stores were full of tulips.  It was a good excuse to buy flowers every week!
(If one needs an excuse)

The evening reflection of God's glory as seen from our backyard.
This class focused on apertures, shutter speeds, ISO's, and the endless menus of digital cameras.  It was very technical.  Once all of the technicality feels comfortable , we'll go back for the composition class!


  1. Glad you enjoyed your class. I expect great photos from you! Your Mom has that talent!

  2. My Dad and I just discovered Photoscape. It's free but they take donations. :) I really like it so far.

  3. I've always thought you take great pictures! I love these, and I can't wait to see more.

    And beautiful header, too. :)

    1. I've been wondering recently if I ever sent you photos of your kids from your last visit? I remember planning to, but that's usually not the same thing as doing it for me!!
